I created a preliminary version of the survey and tested it with a pilot group. The group consisted of two teachers and one parent. Before they received the survey I asked them to critique the language that I used to make sure that it was in student friendly language, to see if the purpose of the survey was clear, if there were any questions that were redundant or unnecessary, or if there were any issues that weren't addressed and should be with additional questions. Below is my preliminary survey and responses from my pilot group.
ECUR 809
History Study Tour Program Survey
1. Were you satisfied with your overall experience in the History
Study Tour Program at Centennial Collegiate?
2. Please explain.
3. How well did HSTP meet expectations?
4. Did you keep up with your course work in your other classes
while away on your HSTP trip?
5. Was there sufficient study time provided during the HSTP trip to enable you to complete course work given to you by your other teachers?
6. Upon your return from the HSTP trip, did you feel like you fell
behind in your other courses while away?
7. Please explain.
8. Was the length of time missed at school worth the experience of the HSTP trip?
9. Did you feel like you missed out on extra-curricular opportunities while you were on the HSTP trip?
10. Did the timing of the HSTP trip affect your decision to participate in any extra-curricular opportunities at Centennial?
11. Please explain how the timing of the HSTP tour affected, or did not affect your decision to participate in extra-curricular activities.
12. Did the History Study Tour Program at Centennial instill in you a love of travel?
13. Please explain.
14. How likely is the chance that you will travel again as a result of participating in the HSTP?
15. Overall, rate your experience in the History Study Tour Program with 5 being most enjoyable, and 1 being not enjoyable.
The responses that I received were very helpful to make my survey more clear. Some of the suggestions were geared towards rewording certain questions to make them more student friendly or specific (ie: what kind of expectations in #3?). There was also a recommendation to take out #4 because it was a little repetitive, and move #6 ahead of #5. The most beneficial feedback I received was comments on areas that I forgot to mention. Including a question on how the learning was improved in History and Art as a direct result of the trip was something that I completely forgot to include, but I had on my flow chart as one of my initial inquires about the program. Another question I missed was asking students if they would still participate in the program if it was attached to another school break in order to avoid missing so much instructional time.
I took the advice of my pilot group and made changes to my survey. Below is the revised version:
ECUR 809
History Study Tour Program Survey
1. Were you satisfied with your overall experience in the History Study Tour Program (HSTP) at Centennial Collegiate?
2. Please explain.
3. How well did HSTP meet your academic expectations?
4. Did you feel like you fell behind in your other courses while away on the HSTP trip?
5. Were you given enough time during the trip to keep up with your homework in your other classes?
6. Please explain.
7. Was the experience of HSTP worth losing the amount of instructional time from your other curricular classes?
8. Would you still have participated in HSTP if the trip was attached to a school break?
9. Did you feel like you missed out on extra-curricular opportunities while you were on the HSTP trip?
10. Did the timing of the HSTP trip affect your decision to participate in any extra-curricular opportunities at Centennial?
13. Please explain how your learning in the
areas of History and Art improved as a direct result of touring overseas.
14. Did HSTP at Centennial Collegiate instill in you a love of
15. Please explain.
16. As a result of participating in HSTP, is it likely you will
have the confidence to travel overseas again on your own?
17. Overall, rate your experience in the History Study Tour
Program with 5 being most enjoyable, and 1 being not enjoyable.
18. Please provide your own suggestions for
improving the HSTP at Centennial Collegiate.
After going through the process of creating a survey, I was even more aware of how important it is to have colleagues and peers pilot test questions before making the survey available to students. I could have included a couple of students in my pilot group, but I didn't want to make the questionnaire available before it was decided on whether or not the program will be evaluated. The suggestions that I received really helped me make my survey more student friendly and clear in its intent.